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9th-12th Grade  [Monday, 8:50-10:15]

Robin Storch -

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Tuition: $40/mo

Lab Consumables: $40/one time

In biology, students study a variety of life processes and learn how different organisms meet the challenges of living in their environment. Students learn to use laboratory equipment and materials to collect data and then use a variety of data analysis skills to interpret the data. Major biological concepts for student focus include homeostasis, energy transfer and use, the relationship between structure and function, and change over time. Additionally, students’ experience in biology supports their developing environmental literacy. In particular, students’ study of ecology opens opportunities for them to engage in local action that protects, sustains or enhances the natural environment.



  • Classwork: Students will spend time working through the material by taking notes, participating in labs, watching related videos that enhance the text, lectures and in-class discussions. 

  • Homework: Students will read, take notes and answer questions provided in the text as well as any additional materials provided by the teacher. Due to the nature of Excel’s once a week teaching time, students are required to read the material we will cover before coming to class. One project will be assigned each semester.

  • Exams: Students will be assessed for understanding with a midterm and final exam in class. 



Course content and skills are assessed through a wide range of evaluative measures including tests with objective and written responses, laboratory reports, simulations, class presentations and homework. 

Required Materials

  • BJU Press Biology Textbook (5th Edition)

  • Binder/4 Dividers/Colored Pencils/Notebook Paper

  • $40 Lab Fee (covers dissection specimens, dissection tray, and tools, all other lab materials)

  • Optional/Extra Credit: The Bible App on your smartphone for various Bible reading plans

  • Project Materials TBD (one per semester)

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