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General Science: Heaven & Earth

7th-8th Grade  [Monday, 2:05-3:30]

Robin Storch -

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Tuition: $40/mo

Lab Consumables: $40/one time

Students completing this course will:

  • Study the atmosphere and oceans of Earth. You will discover what weather is, God’s design of the oceans, and how these oceans affect weather systems.

  • Explore our solar system and the universe. Learn about the planets, Earth’s special design, information about stars and comets, and the space program.

  • Discover God’s design for our unique planet. Learn about rocks, the Genesis Flood, and the Ice Age, as you study this special place for us to live.



Students will spend time working through material in the text by taking notes, participating in hands-on labs, watching related videos to enhance the text, lectures, group work and in class discussion.  



Course content and skills are assessed through a wide range of evaluative measures including tests with objective and written responses, laboratory reports, simulations, class presentations/projects and homework.


  • Master Books: General Science 1: Heaven & Earth (ISBN: 978-1-68344-129-8) 

  • Bible (paper or device)

  • Binder/Dividers/Colored Pencils/Notebook Paper/ blue or black ink pen

  • One Project per semester: Materials TBD

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