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Tuition: $40/mo
A two-semester college-prep course for 11th - 12th grade students who are 16 or older
This college-prep course is a two-semester comparative worldviews and Christian apologetics course. (This is not a history class.) Study of the text teaches the basic tenets of Christianity, Islam, Secularism, Marxism, New Spirituality, and Postmodernism within the 10 disciplines of Theology, Philosophy, Ethics, Biology, Psychology, Sociology, Law, Politics, Economics, and History.
In-class discussions explore cultural issues relative to the different worldviews and their everyday impact including: proof of the existence of God, the question of evil & suffering, marriage & family, homosexuality/transgender/gay marriage, abortion, and others prominent in our society – all from a Christian worldview.
As a college-prep course, the syllabus includes extensive reading and tests, four current event presentations, a biographical speech, two community service projects with reports, chapter creative writing assignments, and a personal finance project.
“From my secular ancient humanities class: ‘Write a full page paper on how and why man continues to search for eternal life.’ So glad I took your class . . .” – Theresa
“I’ve come in contact with atheists and was able to strategically talk to them . . .” – Brandon
“Most of my professors and fellow students are liberals. I have frequently thought about what I learned in your class, and I am very confident I shall be using it a lot over the next 4 years.” – Kate
Class enrollment
Minimum of 6, maximum of 12
Transcript Credits
Completion of the course allows the following transcript credits:
1 credit Theology; 1 credit Worldviews; ½ credit Sociology; ½ credit Political Science; if supplemented by other course work – ½ credit each – Economics, Financial Literacy.
A year’s subscription to the app Understanding the Times by David Noebel and Dr. Jeff Myers with printed text purchased through Mrs. Spicer and Summit Ministries.
Additional Requirements
A computer or tablet with Internet access (I Pad 2 or better, Android 4, a computer running Google Chrome), e-mail, Microsoft Word, library access, a printer.
Understanding the Times is produced and distributed by Summit Ministries. For more information and to view sample text, go to